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UNCI is an acronym for Underground Navigation and Communication Infrastructure. The UNCI system is a combination of hard- and software. The hardware comprises the radio mesh nodes and the UNCI Navigator. Located within the navigator are amongst others the batteries, a radio transceiver and the INS sensor. 

Communication is done with a mesh network of miniature radio repeaters (the UNCI mesh nodes), no bigger then a few centimeters. Datapackets travel over short distances, (typically 10 to 20 meters) from repeater to repeater. With this system we send real-time voice, navigation and other digital data. 

Navigation is done by means of “dead reckoning”, also known as “inertial navigation”. The inertial navigation is supported by using the UNCI mesh nodes as a location reference point (patent granted). The UNCI Navigator recognizes the mesh nodes by their unique number and communicates with other UNCI Navigators via the mesh network. You can connect a smartphone or tablet to the UNCI Navigator for operation, presentation (GUI) and sound reproduction.

Hard- and Software

UNCI mesh-nodes

  • Autonomous
  • Redundant
  • Self configuring
  • No data retention
  • Standby time: 1 year with a button cell
  • Active time: 2 days with button cell or longer when using a heavier battery 
  • Frequency: 2,4GHz ISM band

UNCI Navigator

  • Processing logic
  • Navigation calculations
  • Connecting peripheral equipment


  • Accelerometers
  • Rotational sensors
  • Magnetic compass
  • Barometer


  • Position improvement
  • Presentation of 2D/3D navigation
  • Audio handling
  • Communication and navigation controls