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The UNCI system offfer a set of basic functions:

Radio communication in underground corridors, cellars, tunnels, ships, large buildings, in essence, all enviroments where the normal range of a radio system would be insufficient for regular communication.

  • Broadcast: comparable to the classic handheld tranceiver (walky-talkie) where one person is talking, and the others are listening in.
  • Point-to-point: comparable to a telephone conversation between to people.

Mapping the environment using automated localization by means of position reference points based on radio mesh nodes. After mesh nodes have been placed (or randomly ejected) their location relative to each other is measured by every person or vehicle carrying an UNCI Navigator device. The UNCI Navigator uses intertial navigation (INS) and measures the position of the radio mesh nodes. Through repeated measuring by the same or different UNCI Navigators, the network is mapped increasingly more accurate.

Trek log i.e. logging of the route used by persons and vehicles. Each UNCI Navigator moving past mesh nodes, continually reports its position. This position is used to increase the accuracy with which the reference points are known and at the same time creates a trek log of how the user has moved around.

Ad-Hoc deployment of replacement, fall-back, temporary or supporting communication infrastructure when the regular infrastructure is off-line due to fire, malfunction, or otherwise. The radio mesh nodes can be placed at random positions, just as long as they are within range of a neighbouring node. Users moving around with their UNCI navigators cause the network nodes to be automatically localized and mapped.
