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ir. Frans Evenblij

My main involvment is software development and developing the communication layer of UNCI. I am also responsible for Pevra's supporting infrastructure.

My background is a study electrical engineering at Delft University of Technology. I have beeen working in IT since 1987.

My passion: building solutions for complex problems. The best that can happen is when someone says “that's not possible” and then you still make it happen.

“Rocket science is easy. It is rocket engineering that is difficult.”

ir. Peter van Apeldoorn

I am mainly involved in the development of UNCI's navigation layer. I am also responsible for external communication with, among others, Defense and Police.

My background: Studied Aerospace Engineering at Delft University of Technology. Working as an IT professional since 1996 and specialized in technical and IT solutions for Supply Chain related projects of Defense, Police and companies in the High-Tech and Medical sector. This means that tracking and tracing of moving objects fits in seamlessly with my experience with logistics chains.

“Enthusiasm is the electricity of life. How do you get it? You act enthusiastic until you make it a habit.”